News Page
The December edition of the Hampshire Gardener was unfortunately unavailable in the Petersfield area due to distribution problems. The Spring edition will be published in March.
The Petersfield Physic Garden End of Summer Social
As a 'Thank You' to all the volunteers who have helped the Garden in many different ways an end of summer cheese and wine party was held in the exhibition room. A good spread was provided and the event was well attended and enjoyed by all the participants. During the evening the chairman, Joan Shepley, took advantage of the occassion by thanking the retiring treasurer Daphne Clark and presenting her with a gift from 'all her friends'. Daphne has been treasurer for many years and has looked after the Garden's finances from shortly after it was opened to the public. Sadly the committee has not been able to replace her and is in serious need of a new treasurer and is searching for a volunteer.
Guests being spoilt for choice from a colourful display Daphne studying her photo album gift
New Utilities Door
A new door has recently been installed to the kitchen, cloakroom and store cupboard in the archway to the entrance of the Garden. This replaces a wooden door which at thirty years old was begining to show its age. It had been the hope of our past chairman, Lewis Kent, to have the new door to complete the refurbishment of the entrance. The committee decided to carry out the work in his memory.
Recent Visitors
Another young family enjoy the picnic facilities under the apple trees in the orchard.
In addition this family has not only discovered the children's books available to borrow but has found the butterfly competion which gives visitors the opportunity to hunt the pictures and discover the names of British butterflies.
see Events page
Please stop and read the new message which has been placed in the entrance way to the Garden.
The advice is concerned with promoting a feeling of wellbeing by enjoying the Garden in applying six of your senses between the peace and quiet of its ancient walls.
Addiionally gardening itself is recommended to improve many aspects of life, both physical and mental. You could perhaps start your own garden or volunteer in ours.
If interested please email at:
See pictures of the new water feature on Garden News page
Lots of Easter activities provided fun and entertainment for adults and children.
The pictures show children in two of the activities. One group is busily looking for Easter Eggs hidden in the herb beds. The other young lady is planting her sunflower seeds in an egg bo to take home. Hopefully she will there watch them germinate and grow.
Pre-Easter Litter Pick
The Garden acted as a hub for a town March litter pick on a sunny Saturday morning.Run by Beth Syarovska on behalf of the Petersfield Societyit aimed to have a tidy town by Easter. A number of volunteers accompanied by Town Mayor, Town Crier and an overgrown rabbitset forth with purple sacks and litterpickers to their designated areas to get to work. By the end of the morning the centre of the town sparkled and many of the surrounding streets and open spaces were also left litter free. If only it would stay that way!